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时间:2019-08-29来源:565net必赢官方网 点击: 21830










Tingting Liu is an associate professor at School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. She used to work as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, Australia. She received her PhD in Anthropology at the University of Queensland in 2018. Her PHD research was supported by Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship and Chinese Society for Women’s Studies (CSWS) Scholarships for Junior Feminist Scholars. Her research interests include media anthropology, digital culture, and popular entertainment with regional expertise in China and Australia.













Tingting Liu, Zhongxuan Lin* (2023). Caring masculinity as caring capital in the field of marriage: Chinese rural migrant men's engagement with digital dating, Information, Communication & Society26(8), 1637-1652. (SSCI, Q1)

Zhongxuan Lin, Yinan Wang & Tingting Liu* (2023) Commercializing desire for platform economics: digital romance in China’s platformization age, Continuum, 1-15. (SSCI, Q1)

Tingting Liu, Wang, Y., & Lin, Z. (2022). The cruel optimism of digital dating: Heart-breaking mobile romance among rural migrant workers in South China. Information, Communication & Society25(11), 1614-1631. (SSCI, Q1)

Xiong, Yutian and Tingting Liu* (2023). “WeChat as the coordinator of polymedia: Chinese women maintaining intercultural romantic relationships.” Media International Australia: Online First188(1), 160-176. (SSCI)

Chen, X., & Tingting Liu* (2019). On ‘never right-swipe whites’ and ‘only date whites’: Gendered and racialised digital dating experiences of the Australian Chinese diaspora. Information, Communication & Society, 0(0), 1–18. (SSCI, Q1)

Tingting Liu (2016). Neoliberal ethos, state censorship and sexual culture: A Chinese dating/hook-up app. Continuum, 30(5), 557–566. (SSCI & A&HCI)


Huang, Yalan, Tingting Liu*, and Yinkun Chen (2023). “The (unlocated) in-game gender performativity in contemporary China: Exploring gender swapping practices in the online game sphere.” Feminist Media Studies, 1-17. (SSCI, Q2)

Jing Gong, Tingting Liu* (2021) Decadence and relational freedom among China’s gay migrants: Subverting heteronormativity by ‘lying flat’, China Information, 36(2), 200-220. (SSCI, Q1)

Tingting Liu, & Hu, T. (2023). Lovely heteronormative families in a harmonious society? The docudrama representations of the humanpet relationship in contemporary China. The Journal of Popular Culture, 56(5-6), 897-909. (SSCI, Q2)

Tingting Liu, Mingliang Xu, Xu Chen (2021) Social media, gendered anxiety and disease-related misinformation: discourses in contemporary China's online anti-African sentiments, Asian Journal of Communication, DOI: 10.1080/01292986.2021.1941150 (SSCI, Q3)

Tingting Liu & Lijing Yang* (2021) Men in charge of “real” work and women the office “housework”: Chinese policewomen in the post-socialist era, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 27(4), 488-508. (SSCI, Q4)

Tan, C. K. K., Tingting Liu* Gao, X. (2021). Becoming ‘pet slaves’ in urban China: Transspecies urban theory, single professional women and their companion animals. Urban Studies:0042098021991721. (SSCI, Q1)

Tingting Liu, & Deng, Z. (2020). “They’ve made our blood ties black”: On the Burst of Online Racism Towards the African in China’s Social Media. Critical Arts, 34(2), 104–107. (SSCI & A&HCI)

Tingting Liu, & Tan, C. K. K. (2020). On the Transactionalisation of Conjugal Bonds: A Feminist Materialist Analysis of Chinese Xinghun Marriages. Anthropological Forum, 30(4), 443–463. (SSCI, Q4)

Tingting Liu (2019). The empowerment of rural migrant lalas: Contending queerness and heteronormativity in China. China Information, 33(2), 165–184. (SSCI, Q1)

Tingting Liu (2017). LESDO: Emerging digital infrastructures of community-based care for female queer subjects. Feminist Media Studies, 17(2), 301–305. (SSCI, Q1)



Lai, Zishan. and Tingting Liu* (2023). “Protecting our female gaze rights”: Chinese Female Gamers’ and Game Producers’ Negotiations with Government Restrictions on Erotic Material. Games and Culture, 15554120231151300. (SSCI, Q1)

Huang, V. G. and Tingting Liu* (2022). Gamifying Contentious Politics: Gaming Capital and Playful Resistance. Games and Culture17(1), 26-46. (SSCI, Q1)

Tingting Liu, & Lai, Z. (2022). From non-player characters to othered participants: Chinese women’s gaming experience in the ‘free’ digital market. Information, Communication & Society25(3), 376-394. (SSCI, Q1)

Tingting Liu (2020). The freedom of binge gaming or technologies of the self? Chinese enjoying the game Werewolf in an era of hard work. Chinese Journal of Communication, 0(0), 1–17. (SSCI, Q2)

Tingting Liu (2019). Video Games as Dating Platforms: Exploring Digital Intimacies through a Chinese Online Dancing Video Game. Television & New Media, 20(1), 36–55. (SSCI & A&HCI)



Tingting Liu, Chris K. K. Tan*, Xiaobing Yang & Miao Li (2023) Zhibo gonghui: China’s ‘live-streaming guilds’ of manipulation experts, Information, Communication & Society, 26(6), 1210-1225. (SSCI, Q1)

Chris K. K. Tan, Tingting Liu* & Xiaoya Kong (2022) The Emergent Masculinities and Gendered Frustrations of Male Live-Streamers in China, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 66:2, 257-277(SSCI, Q1)





刘亭亭,杨晓兵平台“再中介者”与主播“孵化器”:网络直播公会的日常实践研究[J]. 中国青年研究 . 2022(04)CSSCI

刘亭亭,董思韫. 新媒介场域中中医药知识传播现状及其风险[J].  探索与批评. 2022(01) CSSCI集刊


陈曦子,刘亭亭*平台“出圈”背景下的粉丝分化、迁移和抵抗:基于虚拟主播粉丝群体的考察[J].新闻与传播研究 . 2022(06)CSSCI

刘亭亭,李婷,多元叙事与情感表达:短视频浪潮中乡土空间的视觉生产[J].视觉传播研究. 2022(2)

许德娅, 刘亭亭*.强势弱关系与熟络陌生人:基于移动应用的社交研究[J].新闻大学,2021(03):49-61+119. CSSCI

王逸楠,刘亭亭. 最佳拍摄点打卡、影像统治术与官方背书:以重庆为例的魔幻网红城市生产[J].中国传媒报告,2020,76(04).

刘亭亭. 关于“定位”的媒体文化:一种新的经济体验[J].热风学术, 2018(9):1-15.

刘亭亭. 网络游戏作为约会平台:QQ炫舞的批判性分析[J]. 社会学评论, 2017, 5(03): 8796. CSSCI

刘亭亭. 关于青少年网恋的数码民族志:一个实用的研究方法工具箱[J]. 中国青年研究, 2016(10): 1519. CSSCI

刘亭亭.农村青少年的互联网使用研究[J].中国传媒报告, 2013,46 (02),115-124.


Tingting Liu, & Zhu, J. (2020). Legislating and litigating same sex marriage in China. In Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and the Law. Edward Elgar Publishing: 45-59.

Tingting Liu and A. C. Pertierra (2019). Rethinking located technologies: location and practice in ‘old’ and ‘new’ media. in Location Technologies in Internet Context R.Wilken and H. Horst, Routledge: 79-92.

Tingting Liu (2019). Wounded masculinities: The subaltern between online longings and offline realities. Love Stories in China the Politics of Intimacy in the Twenty-First Century, Routledge.


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  • 2017)刘亭亭. 网络游戏作为约会平台:QQ炫舞的批判性分析[J]. 社会学评论, 2017, 5(03): 87–9

  • 2020From non-player characters to othered participants: Chinese women’s gaming experience

    in the ‘free’ digital market. Information, Communication & Society

  • 2020The freedom of binge gaming or technologies of the self? Chinese enjoying the game Werewolf in an era of hard

    work. Chinese Journal of Communication

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